Free search request

Find your dream property

Enter your individual criteria here and you will soon find the right offers in your mailbox. You can edit or end your search request at any time.

* Mandatory field

1. You are interested in

2. Property Profile

Car parking space
New building
Fitted Kitchen
Full bath
Shower bath

3. Your contact details

4. Your profile

To make the search as efficient as possible, please provide some personal information. Absolute discretion is guaranteed.

Certificate of residence entitlement §5
Other housing adjustment certificates
Rent by public authorities
Guarantee possible

5. Transmission

Search request
The prospective tenant commissions the estate agent with the search for suitable living space. The search request is only valid for rental properties for which the agent has been commissioned by the landlord and which are therefore free of commission for the tenant.

Duration of order
This free search request can be deactivated at any time. If the deactivation does not take place online, the request for deactivation must be made in writing.

Confidential treatment of the offers
The broker's offers are only intended for the prospective tenant. They are to be treated so confidentially by the prospective tenant that evaluation by third parties is impossible.


With your order you agree with the data protection regulations and the regulations for advertisement of Stumberger Immobilien-Service

* Mandatory field

1. You are interested in

2. Property profile

Car parking space
New building
Fitted Kitchen
Full bath
Shower Bath

3. Your contact details

4. Your profil

To make the search as efficient as possible, please provide some personal information. Absolute discretion is guaranteed.

Has the financing been clarified?*

5. Transmission

Search request
The prospective buyer instructs the broker to submit offers to sell in accordance with the specified search requests.

Duration of order
The search request runs indefinitely. It can be deactivated at any time. If the order is not deactivated online, it must be withdrawn in writing.

Confidential treatment of the offers
All offers are transmitted to Stumberger Immobilien-Service on the basis of the general terms and conditions listed in the exposé.


With your order you agree with the data protection regulations and the regulations for advertisement of Stumberger Immobilien-Service.

Contact us!
We will help you to find the right object.